2018年2月15日,“国会亚太裔议员团”(Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, CAPAC)发布了几位成员严厉谴责参议员Marco Rubio和联邦调查局(FBI)局长Christopher Wray前日在参议院情报委员会的听证会上发表的、将所有的中国学生当作国家安全威胁的言论。
2月13日,在参议院情报委员会的关于世界威胁的听证会上,Marco Rubio和Christopher Wray单独把中国学生和学者挑出来,说他们是对美国国家安全的威胁。Rubio问:“中国学生,尤其是那些从事科学、数学的高级课程学习的学生,对美国的国家安全在反间谍方面有什么风险?”(“What…is the counter intelligence risk posed toU.S. National Security from Chinese students, particularly those in advanced programs in the sciences and mathematics?” )
联邦调查局(FBI)局长Christopher Wray回答说,中国学生和学者对美国国家安全的威胁是“全社会性的”(“whole-of-society threat”),因此需要美国相应的采取“全社会性的”应对措施(“a whole-of-society response by us”)。
CAPAC主席、加州第27选区众议员赵美心(Judy Chu)声明:
CAPAC副主席、加州第33选区众议员刘云平(Ted Lieu)声明:
纽约第6选区的众议员孟昭文(Grace Meng)声明:
国会亚太裔议员团(Congressional AsianPacific American Caucus, CAPAC)由国会两院具有亚太裔血统的议员组成,他们都特别致力于促进亚太裔社区的福祉。CAPAC成立于1994年,现任主席是赵美心博士(Judy Chu)。
Marco Rubio是来自佛罗里达的参议员,一向以反华闻名,现任国会中国执行委员会(Congressional-Executive Commission)的主席。
February15, 2018
CAPAC Members on Rubio and Wray’s RemarksSingling Out Chinese Students as National Security Threats
Washington,D.C.— During a February 13th Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on worldwidethreats, Senator Marco Rubio and FBI Director Chris Wray singled out Chinesestudents and scholars as a national security threat to the United States.During the exchange, Senator Rubio asked, “What…is the counterintelligence riskposed to U.S. National Security from Chinese students, particularly those inadvanced programs in the sciences and mathematics?” Director Wray respondedthat Chinese students and scholars pose a national security threat thatrequires “a whole-of-society response by us.” CAPAC Members released thefollowing statements in response to these comments:
CongresswomanJudy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:
“Thereis no doubt that we must take espionage threats from foreign countriesseriously. However, Senator Rubio’s leading question and FBI Director Wray’ssweepingly broad response were completely irresponsible generalizations thatattempt to paint all Chinese students and scholars as spies for China. Icondemn these remarks entirely and reject these dangerous attempts to build acase that Chinese students, professors, and scholars should be viewed with moresuspicion than others.
“Unfortunately,the growing perception that simply being of Asian ancestry or having ties toChina makes you prone to espionage has created a culture of fear that hasnegatively impacted the Asian American community. We need to look no furtherthan the examples of Sherry Chen and Dr. Xioaxing Xi, two Chinese Americanscientists who were wrongfully accused of espionage by the FBI only to havetheir charges dropped with no explanation. This caused irreparable harm totheir careers, reputations, and lives, and many Asian American students,scientists, and scholars now fear that they may be subjected to the samediscrimination.
“Ournation’s highest law enforcement officials should not condone profiling that encouragesindividuals to view all Chinese and Chinese Americans with more suspicion. Ifthe FBI is acting under the assumption that simply being Chinese makes one aunique national security threat, that is a serious problem that must beaddressed immediately. There is no room for this sort of prejudice in ourcountry’s laws or practices.”
CongressmanTed Lieu (CA-33), CAPAC Whip:
“Thereare certain policies and actions by our government that, while directed atforeign nationals, could affect Americans who happen to be of certainethnicities. In this case, tarring Chinese foreign national students enmasse as being more suspicious is overbroad and will also feed into the falseand harmful narrative that somehow Chinese-Americans are more suspicious. It is this false narrative that contributed to the wrongful indictments ofChinese-Americans like Sherry Chen and Professor Xiaoxing Xi. I worked onthose cases last year and helped cause the Department of Justice to change itspolicies to help make sure Chinese-Americans are not targeted by lawenforcement because of their ethnicity.
“Icalled on FBI Director Wray to clarify his comments and make a strong statementthat Chinese-Americans are not viewed by the FBI as any more suspicious thanany other American.
“Ialso have a suggestion for the Trump Administration. Before spending alot of time and resources looking at foreign nationals allegedly gettingpublicly available information, perhaps the Administration should first crackdown on the over 130 Americans in the White House who still don’t havepermanent security clearances and are inappropriately viewing highly classifiednon-public information.”
CongresswomanGrace Meng (NY-06):
“Istrongly condemn comments made by the Trump Administration’s FBI DirectorChristopher Wray that racially profile international students fromChina. The intelligence community, rightfully, should always be concernedabout foreign nationals who have access to our most sensitive secrets. That,however, never excuses an attempt to categorize an entire group of people as athreat to our national security. This narrative is unfortunately not new,and should not be perpetuated by our country’s highest law enforcementofficials.”
The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC)is comprised of Members of Congress of Asian and Pacific Islander descent andmembers who have a strong dedication to promoting the well-being of the AsianAmerican and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Currently Chaired byCongresswoman Judy Chu, CAPAC has been addressing the needs of the AAPIcommunity in all areas of American life since it was founded in 1994.
来源: 2018-02-17 王文奎 APAPA俄亥俄